This 1st Call for Proposals is not accepting more applications
1st Public Call for Proposals for Non-for-Profit Organisations
(CFP 02-2022)
Recraft the Past: Build up the Future
- ✔ Are you a civil society organisation (CSO) seeking a way to help communities reconnect to Albania’s cultural sites?
- ✔ Are you a group of artisans that are inspired by the cultural heritage monuments near you?
- ✔ As a tour operator, are you doing enough to promote Albania’s cultural heritage?
- ✔ As a Social Business Organisation, do you aim to empower the communities and promote social inclusion?
- ✔ As a Culture, Business, or Tourism Innovation hub are you promoting creativity and spurring innovation through cultural heritage?
If your answer is Yes, this opportunity is for you.
UNOPS is launching the 1st Public Call for Proposals for Non-Profit Organisations. This Call aims to promote and support social and economic growth of communities by modelling and fostering partnerships between local and national civil society development actors operating in close proximity to cultural heritage monuments, in addition to public institutions and academia.
Through this Call for Proposals, EU4Culture programme will fund projects that will be implemented in the municipalities of Durrës, Kavaja, Rrogozhina and Kruja, by civil society organisations, including local and community development NGOs. The funded projects will centre on actions that seek to meet these objectives:
- Creation and development of socio-economic growth opportunities for local communities by establishing sustainable linkages between organisations operating in the cultural and creative sectors, near cultural heritage sites, and through environmentally friendly and innovative forms of tourism;
- Raising and enhancing public and institutional awareness on the role of cultural heritage as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development by promoting growth models that show consideration for social inclusion and gender equality.
The approved projects will receive funding ranging from 30,000 to 60,000 USD. The Implementation period of the selected projects will last from six to twelve months, indicatively starting from May 2022.
Criteria for the participation in the programme:
All entities legally registered in accordance with the applicable laws in the Republic of Albania as not for profit with an active status at the time of application are eligible to apply. These include but are not limited to organisations or associations operating in the Cultural and Creative Sectors and other non-profit NGOs such as:
✔ Civil society organisations (CSOs)
✔ Associations of artisans
✔ Associations of touristic operators
✔ Business associations
✔ Social business organisations
✔ Culture, Business and Tourism Innovation hubs and labs (only when registered as not-for-profit),
✔ Research Institutes and Academic Centres (only when registered as not-for-profit)
The application period was open from 8 February 2022 to 15 March 2022. The project proposals (required documentation listed below) must be submitted electronically to the UNOPS office in Tirana at grants.albania@unops.org. Only applications submitted in the English language will be accepted.
Read the Guidelines before applying!
The applicant must submit the following application forms:
- Application Form (Annex A)
- Logical Framework (Annex B)
- Application Budget (Annex C)
- Statement of Applicant (Annex D)
- Statement of Partner organization (Annex E)
- Application Checklist (Annex F)
- Template for your reference : Grant Support Agreement
- Frequently Asked Questions : FAQ
- Combined Questions and Answers : Q&A
Information Sessions
Info Session (In-person)
Date: 16 February 2022
Time: 11.00 AM (open from 10:30)
Session closed.
Info Session (Online, if impossible to attend in person)
Date: 17 February 2022
Time: 10.00 AM
Platform: Google Meet
Session closed.