14 Civil Society Organisations received grants to support social and economic development through cultural heritage

2 June 2023
The kick-off event for the second phase of the EU4Culture ‘Recraft the Past, Build the Future’ grants programme took place at the Albanian National Library Fund. The ceremony was opened by UNOPS Albania Country Manager Pamela Lama, Minister of Culture Elva Margariti and EU Ambassador to Albania Christiane Hohmann.

14 awarded grants, totaling USD 590,785.16 (approximately 551,025.32 Euro), will fund CSO’s initiatives aimed at promoting development of crafts, innovative tourism, digital platforms and cultural events in the municipalities of Tirana, Mirdita, Durres, Kavaja, Rrogozhina and Kruja, that have significant cultural heritage assets affected by the 2019 earthquake. Furthermore, they will create connections between different kinds of tourism and productive sectors. These funds will bring Cultural Heritage closer to local people, strengthening their cultural identity and providing opportunities for economic growth in the process.

Grantees and projects benefiting from the 2nd CfP grants:
- CEAPAL – in support of the “Consolidate, Digitise and Promote the Cultural and Heritage touristic offering of Mirdita community and region, in support of future proof sustainable tourism development” project.
- ANEI Organisation – in support of the “Local Cuisine Preservation as Investment for the future and Tourism Offer of Mirdita” project.
- Milieukontakt Shqiperi – in support of the “Sustainable Tourism Development of Mirdita through Promotion of Culture Heritage” project.
- TED Centre -in support of the “Albanian Youth – the future of Culture Heritage”
- Tradita Popullore – in support of the “FIND YOUR OWN ROOTS” project.
- Smart Processes Institute – in support of the “AORTAS – TirAna Open HeRitage CulTure And TouriSm” project.
- Partnere per Femijet – in support of the “Kruja COOL-tour – Creating routes toward employment and social inclusion for youth and women through promotion of Cultural Heritage in Kruja Municipality” project.
- Art Kontakt -in support of the “Cultour: Cultural Heritage Promotion through creative and experimental tourism” project.
- Qendra per Zhvillim Komunitar – in support of the “REVIVE THE PAST TO DRIVE THE FUTURE – Boosting cultural roots through all-inclusive, gender, environmentally-friendly digital and analogue approach” project.
- Fondacioni Miresia – in support of the “Cultural Heritage in Young Hands” project.
- Alliance for Citizens and Communities – in support of the “Bridging youth entrepreneurship with cultural heritage sites” project.
- Tek Bunkeri – in support of the “Culture For Sustainable Development: The Untapped Potential” project.
- MAM Foundation – in support of the “I CAN TELL…” project.
- ACFD – in support of the “PromoKULT – Development of cultural tourism of Kavaja Municipality” project.