Ethnographic Museum of Kavaja

The Ethnographic Museum in Kavaja embodies the architectural design, lifestyles, and economies of the region through a unique example of a traditional XIX century house, preserved in nearly authentic condition. Unfortunately, the dwelling suffered severe damage in the 2019 earthquake and is currently undergoing restoration under the EU4Culture programme. Alongside the restoration of the building, the museum displays are being reconceptualized, featuring the museum’s 810 artifacts from the entire region. These artifacts were securely packed and stored during the conservation process. The museum will provide visitors with a unique experience, allowing them to explore history through reconceptualized displays and engaging narratives, enriched with contemporary multimedia tools and content.

Interventions proposed and intended to be implemented for site rehabilitation, regarding EU4Culture Project include:


Conservation scope
– Structural stabilization of badly damaged adobe masonry
– Full conservation of external, internal surfaces and roof
– Documentation and design of conservation baseline for all the furniture, tools and textiles
– Design of exhibition boxes and platforms following contemporary museum design
– Disaster risk management
– Maintenance program and plans


– Electrical installations for lighting
– Surveillance and safety system
– Heating and ventilation system
– Upgrade of visitors’ utilities and museum storage and conservation facilities
– Audio and digital system for interpretation purposes
– Urban landscaping around the museum to provide the space outdoor events
– Health and safety, emergency evacuation, fire alarms and protection


Revitalization scope

– Content creation for digital interpretation
– Interactive interpretation of the ethnography of kavaja and neighbouring cities
– Tactile interpretation and overall establishment of universal access
– Identifying, engaging and supporting local producers and artisans for events relating to demonstration of traditional techniques of production and similar
– Branding and visual identity



– Designing structure for managing visitors’ and functions for local engagement
– Analysing for additional streams of revenue
– Designing aspects of events and activities for all age and interest groups


Local socio economic component (grant schemes and practical training)

– Creating a producing workshop for ceramic and clay based products at the museum – local artisans encouraged to create a producing workshop at the museum for demonstration purposes. The production of ceramic and clay based products is part of a local tradition. the prototypes produced to be sold at the museum