10-2022/03-M |
Smart Processes
Institute (SPI) |
AORTAS - TirAna Open HeRitage CulTure
And TouriSm |
49,230.00 |
10-2022/13-M |
Tek Bunkeri |
Culture For Sustainable Development:
The Untapped Potential |
49,207.00 |
10-2022/20-M |
‘Mirësia’ Foundation |
Cultural Heritage in Young Hands |
48,350.00 |
10-2022/23-M |
Milieukontakt Albania (MIA) |
Sustainable Tourism Development of
Mirdita through Promotion of Culture
Heritage |
49,245.00 |
10-2022/25-M |
Partnere per Femijet |
Albanian Network for Rural Development
Kruja COOL-tour - Creating routes toward employment and social inclusion for youth and women through promotion of Cultural Heritage in Kruja Municipality |
33,600.00 |
10-2022/32-M |
Albanian Network of
European Integration
(ANEI) |
Local Cuisine Preservation as
Investment for the future and Tourism
Offer of Mirdita |
49,498.00 |
10-2022/35-M |
Training Education
Democracy (TED) |
Albanian Youth – the future of Culture
Heritage |
49,010.00 |
10-2022/37-M |
Tradita Popullore |
48,525.00 |
10-2022/39-M |
Community Development Center “Today for the Future” (CDC-TFF) |
Shoqata ANTIK
(ANTIK Association) |
REVIVE THE PAST TO DRIVE THE FUTURE – Boosting cultural roots through all-inclusive, gender, environmentally-friendly digital and analogue approach |
49,870.00 |
10-2022/40-Y |
Albanian Centre for Family Development (ACFD) |
PromoKULT – Development of cultural tourism of Kavaja Municipality |
14,370.00 |
10-2022/42-M |
Art Kontakt |
Ecokult |
Cultour: Cultural Heritage Promotion through creative and experimental tourism |
44,590.00 |
10-2022/43-M |
Albanian Center for Education, Tourism and Entrepreneurship (CEAPAL) |
Consolidate, Digitise and Promote the Cultural and Heritage touristic offering of Mirdita community and region, in support of future proof sustainable tourism development |
47,696.00 |
10-2022/45-Y |
Multidisciplinary Art Movement (MAM) |
20,000.00 |