Application Code Applicants Name Partner Organisation Project Title Fund requested from EU4Culture (USD)
10-2022/03-M Smart Processes Institute (SPI) AORTAS - TirAna Open HeRitage CulTure And TouriSm 49,230.00
10-2022/13-M Tek Bunkeri Culture For Sustainable Development: The Untapped Potential 49,207.00
10-2022/20-M ‘Mirësia’ Foundation Cultural Heritage in Young Hands 48,350.00
10-2022/23-M Milieukontakt Albania (MIA) Sustainable Tourism Development of Mirdita through Promotion of Culture Heritage 49,245.00
10-2022/25-M Partnere per Femijet Albanian Network for Rural Development Kruja COOL-tour - Creating routes toward employment and social inclusion for youth and women through promotion of Cultural Heritage in Kruja Municipality 33,600.00
10-2022/32-M Albanian Network of European Integration (ANEI) Local Cuisine Preservation as Investment for the future and Tourism Offer of Mirdita 49,498.00
10-2022/35-M Training Education Democracy (TED) Albanian Youth – the future of Culture Heritage 49,010.00
10-2022/37-M Tradita Popullore FIND YOUR OWN ROOTS 48,525.00
10-2022/39-M Community Development Center “Today for the Future” (CDC-TFF) Shoqata ANTIK (ANTIK Association) REVIVE THE PAST TO DRIVE THE FUTURE – Boosting cultural roots through all-inclusive, gender, environmentally-friendly digital and analogue approach 49,870.00
10-2022/40-Y Albanian Centre for Family Development (ACFD) PromoKULT – Development of cultural tourism of Kavaja Municipality 14,370.00
10-2022/42-M Art Kontakt Ecokult Cultour: Cultural Heritage Promotion through creative and experimental tourism 44,590.00
10-2022/43-M Albanian Center for Education, Tourism and Entrepreneurship (CEAPAL) Consolidate, Digitise and Promote the Cultural and Heritage touristic offering of Mirdita community and region, in support of future proof sustainable tourism development 47,696.00
10-2022/45-Y Multidisciplinary Art Movement (MAM) I CAN TELL… 20,000.00